Minggu, 21 Juli 2019

knalpot racing

 kami menjual berbagai macam knalpot racing baik kendaraan motor ataupun mobil.
info lebih lanjutnya bisa hub kami wa 081384123102

 kami menjual berbagai macam knalpot racing baik kendaraan motor ataupun mobil.

info lebih lanjutnya bisa hub kami wa 081384123102

kanlpot racing

kami menjual berbagai macam knalpot racing baik kendaraan motor ataupun mobil.
info lebih lanjutnya bisa hub kami wa 081384123102

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016


1.      If a customer orders chocolate ice cream from the restaurant, he or she will get extra toppings.
2.      The hotel front desk clerk  won't offer you special price room rates if you don’t ask.
3.      If it rains heavily, will your home end up under water?
4.      If she works harder, she will finish  her paper in time.
5.      Peter would pass (pass) the examination if he studied well.
6.      Roni could win the competition if he practiced (practice) more.
7.      We wouldn’t know that our parents came if my teacher did not tell (tell; negative) us.
8.      Don’t expect too much if you want (want) to be happy.
9.      Had I known that Desti was a liar, I would not have told (tell) my secret.
10.  If she had known (know) there was a test, she would have prepared for it well.
11.  We had done (do) our work if our computer had not broken down.
12.  If he were (be) more confident during the interview, he might have the job he wanted.
13.  They would have lost their bag if they had left (leave) it in the hotel.
14.  If she had decided (decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
15.  Had I known his address, I would have written (write) him a letter.
16.  If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain leaks (leak) inside.
17.  My cat always sleeps if it watches (watch) drama on TV.
18.  If you see (see) John tonight, please ask him to call his mother.
19.  If I did (do) a good job, I would get the raise.
20.  My lecturer will not accept my work if I submit (submit) it in late.
21.  If we had known her, we would have talked  (talk) to her.
22.  They would understand it if you explained (explain) it to them more slowly.
23.  I were (rich), I would travel around the world.
24.  She would have understood her English teacher if she had spoken (speak) slowly.
25.  If my headache disappeared, I could play (play) tennis this morning.


Rabu, 27 April 2016


Artikel yang berkaitan dengan manajemen yang mengandung unsur tenses simple past dan present perfect    

Catfish Becomes Major Commodities 

(1.) The government will make catfish as one of the main commodities that will be maximized for indonesian’s food self-sufficiency. (2.)  Coordinator of Minister for maritime Indroyo Susilo said the election of catfish as the mainstay because catfish is a fish that contain lots of nutrients with cheap price. 
“Even though Catfish is the cheapest, (3.) it has a lot of animal protein,” (2.) he said after a meeting at his office, Jakarta, Thursday (29/01/2015).

Moreover, Indroyono (2.) said that (4.) catfish has been well known even to the European continent. “we can sell to Europe,” he added. Besides catfish, he (5.) also would make other fisheries commodities such as shrimp, grouper, red snapper, tilapia and catfish as the main commodity.

(2.)He also said (4.)that the government has targeted Indonesia aquaculture production shoul reach 31.3 million tons. To achieve these targets, (3.) the government must meet a few things that could support aquaculture. For (3.) the culvation needs 7 things that must be met, namely, location, seed, feed, medicine, technology and markets. (Amd/NRM). 
     1.  simple future
           2. simple past tense (KUNING)
           3. present tense
     4. present perfect tense  (BIRU MUDA)  
     5. past future

Kamis, 21 April 2016


I .Multiple Choice

1.      Economic _____________ Tina’s major in college.
a) was     b) were

2.      The used clothes in the Goodwill store ____ all been donated.
a) has       b) have

3.      A red and yellow bird ________ sitting on the tree branch.
a) is       b) are

4.  A red bird and yellow bird _________ sitting on the roof.
a) is      b) are  

5.      The news about the typhoon ______ not good.
a)Was    b) were

6. I ______________ submit in the job .
      a) do    b) doing  

7. There ________ many ways to say “ thank you”
          a) are     b) is

8. My family _____________ in CIkampek.
           a) live      b) lives

9. Ten ____________ is to much to pay that book.
         a) dollar   b) dollas

10. Eight hours of slep ___________ enough.
         a) are     b) is

ll. Error Analysis

1.      Tina is talking to the kid  who buy my cake.
Tina is talking to the kids who buy my cake.

2.      My English is not very good, but l want to learn better. (benar)
My English not so good, but l wanna study better.

3.      I want to become a teacher too.(benar)
I wanna become teacher too.

4.      I am now in the third year of my study in SMA (benar)
I am now in three year of my study in SMA.

5.      I study at school from 07.00 until 13.30. (benar)
I school from 07.00 until 13.30.

6.      This time l study some subjects at school: Biology, Math, English, and so on. (benar)
In this time l study some lessons in school: Biology, Math, English, and so on.

7.      My mother and father is arriving tommorow  (benar)
My mother and father are arriving tommorow.

8.      Each book magazine are listed in the database. (benar)
Each book magazine is listed in the database.

9.      The decisions of the jungle seem questionable (benar)
The decisions of the jungle seems questionable

10.  Some of the magazines are good ( benar)
Some of the magazine is good

11.  Either my father or l will going to the store (benar)
Either my father or l am going to the store

12.  Either my boy or l will going to the store guitar(benar)
Either my boy or l will going to the store guitar

13.  Everybody who has a fever must go home and break  immediately (benar)
Everybody who have a fever must go home and break immediately

14.  There have been too many interruption in this class. (benar)
There has been too many interruption in this class.

15.  The  cost of soil is rising every day (benar)
       The cost of soil are rising every day.

 Sumber:  http://www.slideshare.net/diansukma125/tugas-semester-error-analysis

Jumat, 18 Desember 2015



Etika memiliki dua pengertian: Pertama, etika sebagaimana moralitas, berisikan nilai dan norma-norma konkret yang menjadi pedoman dan pegangan hidup manusia dalam seluruh kehidupan. Kedua, etika sebagai refleksi kritis dan rasional. Sedangkan bisnis mengutip Straub, Alimin (2004: 56), sebagai suatu organisasi yang menjalankan aktivitas produksi dan penjualan barang dan jasa yang diinginkan oleh konsumen untuk memperoleh profit.

Bisnis yang beretika adalah bisnis yang memiliki komitmen ketulusan dalam menjaga kontrak sosial yang sudah berjalan. Kontrak sosial merupakan janji yang harus ditepati.Bisnis Islami ialah serangkaian aktivitas bisnis dalam berbagai bentuknya yang tidak dibatasi jumlah kepemilikan (barang/jasa) termasuk profitnya, namun dibatasi dalam cara memperolehnya dan pendayagunaan hartanya karena aturan halal dan haram (lihat. QS. 2:188, 4:29).

Etika bisnis Islam sebenarnya telah diajarkan Nabi Saw. saat menjalankan perdagangan. Karakteristik Nabi Saw., sebagai pedagang adalah, selain dedikasi dan keuletannya juga memiliki sifat shidiq, fathanah, amanah dan tabligh.

 Ciri-ciri itu masih ditambah Istiqamah.
Shidiq berarti mempunyai kejujuran dan selalu melandasi ucapan, keyakinan dan amal perbuatan atas dasar nilai-nilai yang diajarkan Islam.

 Istiqamah atau konsisten dalam iman dan nilai-nilai kebaikan, meski menghadapi godaan dan tantangan. Istiqamah dalam kebaikan ditampilkan dalam keteguhan, kesabaran serta keuletan sehingga menghasilkan sesuatu yang optimal.

 Fathanah berarti mengerti, memahami, dan menghayati secara mendalam segala yang menjadi tugas dan kewajibannya. Sifat ini akan menimbulkan kreatifitas dan kemampuan melakukakn berbagai macam inovasi yang bermanfaat. 

Amanah, tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan setiap tugas dan kewajiban. Amanah ditampilkan dalam keterbukaan, kejujuran, pelayanan yang optimal, dan ihsan (kebajikan) dalam segala hal. 

Tablig, mengajak sekaligus memberikan contoh kepada pihak lain untuk melaksanakan ketentuan-ketentuan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari (berbagai sumber).

Berdasarkan sifat-sifat tersebut, dalam konteks corporate social responsibility (CSR), para pelaku usaha atau pihak perusahaan dituntut besikap tidak kontradiksi secara disengaja antara ucapan dan perbuatan dalam bisnisnya. Mereka dituntut tepat janji, tepat waktu, mengakui kelemahan dan kekurangan (tidak ditutup-tutupi), selalu memperbaiki kualitas barang atau jasa secara berkesinambungan serta tidak boleh menipu dan berbohong.

Pelaku usaha/pihak perusahaan harus memiliki amanah dengan menampilkan sikap keterbukaan, kejujuran, pelayanan yang optimal, dan ihsan (berbuat yang terbaik) dalam segala hal, apalagi berhubungan dengan pelayanan masyarakat. Dengan sifat amanah, pelaku usaha memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengamalkan kewajiban-kewajibannya. Sifat tablig dapat disampaikan pelaku usaha dengan bijak (hikmah), sabar, argumentatif, dan persuasif akan menumbuhkan hubungan kemanusiaan yang solid dan kuat.

Para pelaku usaha dituntut mempunyai kesadaran mengenai etika dan moral, karena keduanya merupakan kebutuhan yang harus dimiliki. Pelaku usaha atau perusahaan yang ceroboh dan tidak menjaga etika, tidak akan berbisnis secara baik sehingga dapat mengancam hubungan sosial dan merugikan konsumen, bahkan dirinya sendiri.